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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  March 12, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have access to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. good evening, everyone. we begin keeping them honest with diplomats talking while a dictator keeps killing. they try to get tough on syria, russia warns against assigning blame and acting out of revenge against the assad regime. the only signs we see in syria come from youtube videos of
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innocent victims targeted. this is from homs where government troops have free reign, body after body, truck after truck. these were women and children stabbed, burned to death late sunday. some had their throats slit. 22 body bags in all of the 45 reported dead. we can't independently verify the video. we have a kind of confirmation from syrian state media. it broadcast images of homs which is something of departure for the regime. normally, they limit footage to police officers and security forces. now, it is showing civilian victims. on syrian state television, they blame the killings on armed terrorist groups. it's a narrative we have heard over and over from the regime. the syrian military has once again taken control of the neighborhoods in homs. the pictures you just saw may
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back that assessment. in the meeting with kofi annan, syria's dictator conceded nothing. the violence is being committed by armed terrorist gangs insisting his regime is not slaughtering civilians. despite that, people that have seen things up close, annan found reason for optimism. >> yes, it is going to be tough. it is going to be difficult, but we have to have hope. almost every syrian i have met wants peace. they want to move on with their lives. >> keeping them honest. the assessment treats the violence as if it came out of nowhere that it's just happening to the syrian people. it is not just happening. the regime is making it happen. the violence is being done to the syrian people as syrian sunnis afflicted on the syrian people. not one bit of it stopped while
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kofi annan and assad were talking. the videos we showed you, dozens more were killed over the weekend and dozens more across syria. in homs where the bodies were buried and the neighborhood pointing antiaircraft artillery. the syrian army is fighting back as you can see in this video, an attack on a tank, they are no match for assad's army. it's focused on civilians. is it even a war? is it accurate to call it that? >> no, it is blown to a war. this is, i think, they have a medieval siege and slaughter. i hesitate the use the word war. >> slaughter? you say it's a slaughter? >> absolutely. it's a slaughter house in there.
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>> they are free to go house-to-house, apartment-to-apartment and seek whatever revenge they want. there's really no one there anymore to document it. no international correspondents or locals with access to youtube cameras and up loading things on youtube. >> caller: absolutely. unfortunately now, that was a line of defense, the fact that this could be documented and maybe, maybe hopefully the presence of photographers and journalists hold them -- this will continue in the dark, undocumented. >> we'll hear more from paul, a photo journalist who escaped from homs. first, valerie amos, just back from syria and camps across turkey. the syrian government insists
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and has insisted for a year with armed terrorist gangs that are responsible. from what you saw, does it make sense to you that armed terrorist gangs are capable of the destruction? >> they have been heavy fighting going on. any kind of opposition or armed gang would have had to have the considerable weapons at their disposal. >> you met with the foreign minister, members of the assad regime. how do they, in private, do they use the rhetoric of armed terrorist gangs? do they seem to believe that? >> all of the ministers that i met made it clear that the syrian government was fighting terrorism. they were fighting people who wanted to see regime change in the country and also made the
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point that they did not think there was significant humanitarian needs in the country. >> how can they say that there's not, you know, significant humanitarian needs in the country? we have seen with our own eyes the shelling of it. we have seen what independent reportered call the slaughter of people there. >> i'm really worried about what is happening to the people. there was no one around. it was pretty much desserted. thousands of people have been displaced. we don't know how many people have been wounded or where they have gone or indeed what their needs are. so, my view is that there are humanitarian needs in syria and i would like us to be able to find out more about exactly what those needs are and how we can help. >> as you know, the syrians, there are a lot of syrians who watch this program who will say the assad regime is basically
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buying time. they are using you, they are using kofi annan, they'll hold meetings and make pronouncements. they are buying time to slaughter people on the ground. what do you need to see? what is your timetable for action by the syrian regime to prove they are serious about meeting the humanitarian needs of the people? >> well, what i heard from the syrian government in terms of their proposal to me is that they should start within a week of my visit. that means thursday of this week. that is what we are planning for. >> i know you are in a difficult position. you have to deal with these people and meet with these people. from an outsider's perspective, if they don't allow the red crescent in the days after they have been shelling it for weeks and weeks and weeks and we know there are desperately injure d
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people there afraid to go to government run hospitals, there's little medicine and little food getting in. if they refuse to allow the red crescent in, immediately, to bring in humanitarian supplies, why should they believe a week from now or two weeks from now, they are going to help you do an assessment of the needs of the people? won't a lot of the people already be dead? >> my job is to keep trying. my job is to try as hard as we can to get the help to the people who need it. my job is not to give up. >> valerie, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you very much. i want to bring in paul conroy wounded in syria in the same attack that took the life of another journalist. >> valerie is in a difficult position. seems like a nice person but it's kind of ridiculous to be going through this facade where
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she's saying there's a timetable to bring in humanitarian aid. they have been shelling the city for months killing countless people they won't let in the crescent society to bring in relief when it's most needed. >> what's interesting, i was listening carefully and you said all this is buying time. it is very interesting and very compelling. there's a 2-year-old protester in syria quoted in the new york times saying the world is buying time by sending more delegations. kofi annan will do nothing. valerie will do nothing. they are weak people. they understand the brief they are given by the united nations. they understand the advocation of american power hiding behind the russian veto, to be honest with you. we keep going to the u.n. and we sent kofi.
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there's reputation, solid in rwanda with the reputation questioned. in bosnia with the reputation questioned. he walks in like an innocent man thinking there's peace and love to be dispensed around. >> paul, last time we spoke, you just made it out of syria and you plainly called what happened in homs a slaughter house, what was going on there. the idea that the syrian regime is claiming the armed gangs slit the throats of women and children in homs, now that they control the neighborhoods when you hear that, what do you think?
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>> i'm sorry. okay. wait, i'm sorry. i'm sorry, i'm not sure we're -- i'm being told we are not hearing you on the air. i'm hearing paul on the air. i apologize for that long pause. we'll try to get that problem fixed. for the u.n. to kind of still be paying lip service to the regime's claims of armed terrorist gangs seems absurd to me. >> it's irrelevant. when we talk about the u.n. we are focusing on the wrong player. it's the power, the democracy. what will the u.s. do? what will britain do? what will france do? the money and support for the syrian people. what will they do.
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we go to the united nations. when you go, you are going to face this obstacles, the russians, the chinese, other powers. they conclude they live alone and dwell alone and die alone in this fight. >> for the regime to claim that it's armed terrorist gangs who are slitting the throats of women and children, it was not make sense. they claim they are trying to kill all these people in order to make it look like the regime is killing the people. activists are saying it's the militias that are pro-syrian government. the shaheeb doing this. >> arwa damon did amazing reporting from syria. she put the light on the claims of the regime. the regime is committing -- we are talking skinning people. we are talking killing people, slitting the throats of
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children. we go back to where we started 14 months ago with the arab theme. the theme of this broadcast as i understood it then and it remains the essential theme is fear has been defeated. what they want to do in other places is to recreate the culture of fear, to frighten the syrian people into submission. you know what? if the rest of the world doesn't come to the rescue, they may succeed. >> paul, are you there? can you hear me? sorry about that, paul. when you hear the syrian regime claiming the gangs and hear of the slaughter that happened over the weekend with women and children in homs, you said it's like you are in "alice in wonderland." absolutely. absolutely no connection to what is happening on the ground in syria at the moment. it continues to take place. then we hear rumors that there's
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room for optimism. one thing i also had was kofi annan saying we should not arm bullets and ammunition to the syrian army because it may increase the level of bloodshed. it's impossible to raise it anymore. how bad does it have to be to stop this? i mean, if they don't get these people what they need to defend themselves, then it's a moderately corrupt world what's happening now. they are hiding behind the fact that russia will veto. the u.n. is happy that russia is vetoing. it's an excuse for action. it's reprehensible corruption. the women, men and children are
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suffering. they couldn't stop for moments while crews sat there. they went on as if nothing is happening. they will continue to carry on and blame armed terrorists. this is a very corrupt and dangerous game that's being played. >> the u.n. in charge of humanitarian relief assessing the needs, we need a schedule and need to see if they are serious about meeting the needs of the people. it's a tough sentence to listen to given they have been shelling their people for months. they would not allow the red crescent in with humanitarian assistance, food and medical assistance after getting a victory in homs. >> caller: absolutely.
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i find to wait a minute, we are going to be late on the regime. we witness. we know it's happening. to sit there and say we'll give it a week. we'll see what can be done. i mean, are we living in -- we are not that naive. i can't describe it. before i managed to keep me cool. now, we are plagued with this corrupt game of waiting for abe to go. it's nonsense. the problem is we are eight months too late on this. we are trying to play catch up and the u.s. is not going to move in the military. what it needs is control by the military to get them people safe. all of this nonsense about no armed terrorist gangs.
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we know the problem. we all sat and listened to this regime. i think it's what's happening. the harder i feel when i see kofi annan going in and paying lip service to the regime that's annihilated a large part of its own citizens, it's almost too much to bear. almost. thankfully, there are people aware of this and good god. are we going to play that game? it's a horrible game. >> it is. >> caller: i'm sorry i'm so angry. >> no, i understand the anger. >> caller: i wish i was a bit more subtle. but no, i'm angry. i hope somebody wakes up and says get them people out of there and stop this nonsense. >> i appreciate you being on.
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i know it's, you saw with your own eyes. i understand the anger. we should point out a funeral was held today in new york paying respects to marie colvin. it took days. tonight, she is home. we say it with heavy hearts for the work she did. she was 56 years old and truly a remarkable lady. let us know what you think. you can follow me on twitter@anderson cooper. what we are learning about the soldier accused of massacring people in afghanistan that we are there to protect. the race that could give gingrich's campaign a new political life. details ahead.
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the night before two crucial primaries, mississippi and alabama, a tight race between newt gingrich and romney who is putting himself up for adoption. 34% of mississippi voters choose romney with 32% for gingrich. same for alabama with gingrich slightly ahead. santorum is third in each. this is something of a romney surge in two states gingrich seemed to get victory in yesterday. >> i think we'll win both and pulling ahead in both states right now. we have great organizations in both states. >> he appeared to back pedal saying there's a fair chance we'll win. it's something most politicians do given the role expectations can play. days before the arizona primary, it was described as an early benchmark where victory is
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vital. there's a chance the victory slipped away. that statement disappeared from the website. here is gingrich weeks before the iowa caucuses before the first votes were held anywhere. >> i'm going to be the nominee. it's hard not to look at the polls and see i'm going to be the nominee. >> he went from predicting a win in iowa to second place would be fine, then third then fourth. gingrich finished fourth. every candidate since the beginning of time tried to play down the expectations game. romney is, too. another strategy is to sound more southern. listen. >> morning y'all. i got started right this morning with a biscuit and cheesy grits. a nice old john deere tractor from awhile ago. i'm learning to say y'all. wouldn't you love to hear them
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sing "sweet home alabama." >> i have been getting things from southern girls. i came from 12 to -- well a lot more than 12. >> romney calls the south his away game. santorum says there's no such thing as an away game. john king is joining us. he's going to be working the magic ball tomorrow night. alice, your campaign said they are in a better position. romney has more than twice the delegates you do. it seems like he's struggling on that front, doesn't it? >> well, you have to wonder why someone like mitt romney, after super tuesday comes out with the message about math. it's not very inspiring. they have put out memos and talked about the fact it would be mathematically impossible for santorum to come out ahead. i's nothing more than a smoke screen to demonstrate he is not
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inspiring the base. he is not in touch with conservatives. we are letting folks know the math is still a long way out. rick is the true conservative in this race. he is inspiring the race. >> you were saying your campaign -- your candidate is in a better position on delegates than romney is. how is that possible? >> it certainly is. the delegates out there are unbound. they are going to swing more toward a conservative candidate like rick santorum. >> you are saying it's better for your candidate to be so far behind in delegates than the front-runner is? logically, does that make sense? >> romney campaign is using it as a smoke screen to say he is not inspiring the base. the delegates left to be decided are in state that is are better suited for rick santorum. a lot of the unbound delegates are going to go to a conservative candidate, not a
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moderate. >> the speaker is calling any state a must win. wasn't his whole southern strategy, wasn't it dependent on winning someplace in the south? if he can't win there, where can he win? >> he won georgia big and south carolina, which stopped the romney machine. the day before newt gingrich won in south carolina, rick santorum was declared the winner. all of a sudden, all the pundits were saying he won iowa and new hampshire. sorry, here we are. >> south carolina is history. tomorrow -- >> you asked about the south. we are doing well in mississippi and alabama. newt, the day after newt decided to stay there. he's been there the entire time. >> you are not predicting a victory there? >> we are competitive in both states. we are very competitive in both states. today, senator santorum is damping down expectations.
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let me say this. there's no must win state, there's a must win election. republican primaries believe to beat obama in the fall you have to beat him in the debate. three are scheduled. there's one guy that is fe fearless. it was never part of the romney campaign plan to have a gingrich spokesperson a week after super tuesday. they rigged the system. they weren't supposed to be here. >> john, i'm going to bring you in. how important are tomorrow's votes for the gingrich campaign? are they a must win for him? >> he is on the record saying they are must win states. they have to win from spartanburg to texas. mississippi, louisiana, texas and arkansas. look, this is what happens when you receive polling. the fact you have a too close to
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call in alabama and mississippi, anderson, reminds us this is a whacky, incredible volatile race. when campaigns are putting out memos, they are driving a blog culture. we keep score by the minute, let alone the hour and day. they are saying santorum and gingrich are still in it. the romney people are doing it, too. i'm not picking on you. we had a horrible situation in afghanistan. what about gas and spending. because it's so close and volatile is about petty things at the moment. i think it's a shame. >> what about santorum? >> if he could get a win, it would be great. he's down in the 20s. this will be tough for him. he's won in the midwest. if he does not get a win, it's harder. gingrich wins in both, santorum says newt is back, i'm strong, romney is in it. if romney gets a win and runs
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competitive, the two campaign people you have with you are going to have a tougher day. if romney wins, one of the biggest arguments is the massachusetts moderate can't win in the deep south. if he comes out with a win, it's hard for the santorum and gingrich campaign to spin that way way. >> we have to leave it there. see you tomorrow night. stay with cnn for complete coverage of the primaries and caucuses. i'll join wolf blitzer at 8:00. the votes for alabama and mississippi come in. we'll continue the coverage at 10:00 p.m. eastern. a full wrap up. details about the u.s. soldier who gunned down 16 afghan civilians including nine children. also x bobbi christina brown's interview about losing her mother, whitney houston. any clues about what happen snd we'll talk to dr. drew on that. ok, guys-- what's next ?
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tonight, the taliban in afghanistan are vowing revenge for the massacre of 16 civilians, women, children and men pulled from their beds and shot dead. the killings have enraged afgha afghans. karzai called it an unforgivable crime. president obama was on the phone
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talking to president karzai. here is what president obama said today. >> i talked to president karzai and expressed my deep condolences. this is a situation where we are doing an investigation, but you have a lone gunman who acted on his own. just a tragic, tragic way. >> the pentagon is calling the attack an isolated incident, the work of one troubled soldier. they have not released his name. he's stationed in washington state. tonight, there are new details about him. here is tom forman. >> reporter: 3:00 sunday morning, deep in taliban territory, afghan troops spot an american soldier leaving the outpost all alone. they alert u.s. commanders to say it is an army sergeant in his mid-30s with a wife and children. they will learn he is working security, he is a qualified
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sniper. he suffered a brain injury in a vehicle accident in 2010 but found fit for duty. he's been to iraq three times. as they organize a search, they have no idea where he is headed. a short while later, less than a mile away, witnesses say the night erupts. one guy came in, pulled a boy from his sleep and shot him in the doorway, this woman says. he came back inside the room and put a gun in the mouth of a child and stomped on another. the uniformed gunman moved from house-to-house in a small village, shooting into some and entering others. 16 people did not survive. four men, three women and nine children. at least one of them, just a toddler, were killed. most of the dead were related to each other. look at this, the bodies, this man says, they all belong to one family. witnesses say the gunman set fire to some of the bodies before he finally retreat ed ino
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the night. military officials say the first they knew of all of this was when some wounded afghans showed up at their base telling tales of the vicious attack. the search party found the missing sergeant heading back to the post where he turned himself in. what they are looking for now is any explanation of what happened in the horrifying hours while he was gone. >> what are we learning about other similar incidents from the base in washington where the soldier was from? this base is known as the most troubled base. >> there's nothing similar to this, anderson. as you know, this is one of the most horrific things we have seen there. this joint base, lewis mccord is sprawling. it was an army base and air force base joined together. it's been sitting at an
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intersection here. various disorders, ptsd, people not pushed back into battle. some of the families pushing saying we need better investigation. there have been investigations about other problems. they had a problem of another troop from that base who is convicted last november of murdering afghan civilians. the murder is knowing there are many, many great leaders there and great soldiers there. men and women and their family who is want to serve, have a record of going the extra mile and yet this concern that maybe some people are being pushed too far. we don't know if that's the case in this case, but that's the concern. sfk the allegations are true, it makes it that much harder for the soldiers and marines to get their jobs done. tom, appreciate it. thanks. we are following other stories tonight. >> a short time ago, an egyptian official told cnn a truce has
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been reached between israel and the palestinians to end days of violence and bloodshed. at least seven people were killed today in the gaza strip and more than three dozen rockets fired from israel to gaza. at least 23 people in gaza have been killed. the people that released kony 2012 released a video he hopes will answer questions from critics. it's been viewed more than 17 million times on youtube. some question invisible children's transparency. check this out. a shark feeding frenzy off the coast of perth, australia. more than 50 sharks feasting on tuna. an event like this is rare. we are flying around to snatch up the leftovers. >> incredible.
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>> i knew you would like that. >> a shark boy. thanks. still ahead, bobbi kristina talks about losing her mom and we'll talk to dr. drew about his thoughts. that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams.
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on the four weeks into whitney houston's death, there's speculation into the role drugs and alcohol may have played.
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bobbi christina has given her first public interview. >> i can sing her music, but to hear it right now, i can't. you know, to hear it, i can hear her voice in spirit talking to me and telling me, you know, keep moving. you know, i'm right here, i got you. >> she was houston's only child. they were very close. hours after houston died, bobbi christina was hospitalized. dr. drew, bobbi christina lost a mom, and a famous mom. it's interesting she would want to do an interview so soon after her mom died. >> that's true. that's something i wondered myself. there's a couple hints there that it is too soon. one is, if you notice, she didn't actually sit-down with
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oprah. probably because that level of intimacy would trigger such intense emotion that she didn't want to go through that. that's one thing. the other is she seems contained about this. it's less than a month. she can't be feeling okay about it. it's not possible. this poor kid is keeping it held together. >> people, you know, in grief react in different ways. i want to play more sound from last night. >> i'm sure that, like, with everybody who loses a loved one, it comes in waves, you can be perfectly fine one day, then the slightest thing puts you back there. >> it does. it comes in waves. one minute, i could be laughing and happy. then it comes over me like, it's my mom. i have to, you know, start crying, deal with it. here again, i hear it again, come on, keep moving. >> i mean, i guess perhaps one
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of the reasons she wanted to do this was to try to kind of change the narrative about whitney houston's death or -- i'm always mystified by some people, in the midst of grief talk. i don't know, i didn't get many answers in this. >> no, no, i'm with you, i didn't either. the one interesting thing she talked about that you saw a hint of in the tape was she was talk ing about feeling her molter's spirit and her voice. she wasn't explicit about this, but sometimes it can be normal to have hallucinations about this person. she buffered it saying it's just her spirit i feel. she talked about it with vividness that led me to believe she feels she's talking to her. itis not abnormal at this stage of the game. >> there's another thing about feeling her in dreams. let's play that. >> have you had the visitation?
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i know some people think we are crazy? >> yeah. oh, yeah. where they come to you in your dreams? >> yeah. >> really? >> oh, yeah. throughout the house. throughout the house, lights turn on and off. i'm like mom, what are you doing. >> really? >> yeah. you know, we still like, i can sit there and laugh with her, you know, i can sit there and talk to her. >> that, i mean, that feeling somebody in dreams, that goes on for a long time after a loss. >> for sure. again, i think she's talking about interacting with her as she goes through the house. she talks to her. she buffers it saying it's signs of her being present. she has these experiences where she feels she's talking to her. again, i want to caution people, it's normal. itis what your brain does when it can't handle these
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overwhelming losses. it buffers it and gets used to the idea of this person being gone. >> it's interesting. i have learned a lot from listening to you on this subject. i was talking to friends with addiction issues and consider themselves addicts as most with addiction issues do. even when getting drugs from their doctor, prescribed drugs, they don't want to take anything with mood altering effects because it can trigger something back. >> right. that's exactly right. it reawakens the biology of addiction. certain drugs trigger that. these are the drugs that people are dying of these days having been prescribed by doctors. let's remind ourselves, just because they are prescribed, it doesn't make them safer. sorry about your ambien. i know it's not a problem in
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your case. >> to be honest, i have not had it since we had that discussion because it concerned me. >> well, it should. these are -- the other thing i want to get out of people's mind is there are good drugs and bad drugs. ambien and morphine and codeine are excellent drugs if you need to take them. if you have addiction, a history of addiction or addiction triggered these are the chemicals that can kill you. >> dr. drew, thanks. still ahead, accused of running a high-end escort service. the mother of four doesn't have two nickels to rub together. what he offered for bail. details ahead. no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers.
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depend® for women is now peach. looks and fits like underwear. same great protection. depend®. good morning. great day. other stories we are following tonight. we have the 360 poll. a lawyer for a suburban mom accused of running a high end brother is asking to be released and offering his own loft as security. anna christina is behind bars with bail set at $2 million. she is broke and should be allowed to live in his apartment and wear an electronic bracelet. the defense started of a student accused of using a web cam to spy on his roommate who later killed himself. he did not take the stand to
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testify. closing arguments are set for tomorrow. $17 million no restitution for a pipeline explosion in san bruno that killed eight people. do dozens of homes were destroyed in the incident in december, 2010. the 16th century may have been found. italian officials say the mural of a battle may be hidden behind a newer work of another artist. they drilled holes and find paint that apparently matches pig. from d from davinci's mona lisa. it's a davinci, so what. teenagers own rear ends are not suitable bottle launchers.
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oh dear... oh dear! ohh dear... i'm not sure exactly what happened here last night. i was out helping people save money on their car insurance. 2 more! you're doing it! aren't they doing great?! hiiiiiii!! come sweat with me! keep going richard. keep sweating!! geico. fifteen minutes could save you sweat! sweat! fifteen percent or more on car insurance. we asked total strangers to watch it for us.
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time for the redick list. tonight, an incident involving a bottle rocket that led to a lawsuit. apparently, last may at a party, everyone is outside chilling on the deck at 1:30 in the morning when a guy decided to shoot a bottle rocket out of his rear end. another guy was so startled by the bottle rocket he fell off the deck, he's suing for pain
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and suffering. he was in a drunken stupor and plaintiff asserts it kons constitutes an ultra-hazardous activity. there's no video of the incident. that makes it the only time somebody fired a bottle rocket out of that area and dit not post it on youtube. ♪ >> there are many, many, many more of those videos. we don't want to glorify something so asinine. any kind of fireworks can be really, really dan rouse, especially to mannequins.
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now, the consumer product safety commission puts out warnings every year, yet every year, a dude named travis tries to impress his friends. they don't have a lot of time to look up safety commission guidelines with the food fights, toga parties and attempts to outsmart the dean. everything i know from fraternities comes from "animal house." >> i, state your name -- >> i, state your name -- >> do here by pledge allegiance to the frat. with liberty and fraternity for all. >> who knows what's going to happen with the rear rocket lawsuit? perhaps set a pres tense, they will be on probation. he'll be awarded a ton of money and the whole fraternity will